The Centre maintains a collection of more than 10,000 books, 600 videos and DVD’s, and approximately 1500 vertical files as well as cassette tapes, cds, flannel graph, posters newspapers and magazines.
The Orra Sheldon Resource center can help you find resource material for your Christian Education programs and we can help you design your own programs. We have resources useful for:
Baptism and confirmation preparation
Sunday schools
Youth groups
Bible studies
Stewardship programmes
Sermon preparation
Children’s story time
Dramatic presentations
Prayer groups
Training Sunday School teachers and other parish leaders
Altar guilds
Servers guilds
We also have books on theology, church history, spirituality, patristics, the lives and faith of the saints, and a wide selection of books, cds, videos and dvds for personal growth, understanding and interest.
This library is used by clergy, lay readers, The James Settee College, parish teams involved with training events, children’s ministry, bible studies, prayer groups and Christian teaching. As well individuals and families both native and non-native across Saskatchewan's north come to browse and borrow resource material. It is used as well by other denominations and open to the general public.
The Resource Centre established as the vision of Orra Sheldon in 1970. Mrs. Sheldon began to organize Christian Education resources that were left behind from the days of the “Van Girls” as well as libraries that had been donated to the Diocese by retired clergy. With a small acquisitions budge she began to add to the collection new Christian Education resources. This work is carried on by the Christian Education Director Noreen Hareuther who continues to add new acquisitions to the collection, assists individuals in finding the resources they are looking for, and teaching them how to put these tools together and use them for teaching and instruction.
The Orra Sheldon Resource Centre is located at the Synod Office, 1308 Fifth Avenue East, Prince Albert, SK, S6V 2H7. Tel. (306) 763-2455